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First steps on

Here you'll find info about the signup process and the first steps to get you familiar with the website.

  • How do I sign up on

    Registering on is quick and easy, and you'll be online in no time! Either sign up with a single click using your Facebook account or create a profile using your email address.  Signing...

  • How do I edit friends/people I'm following?

    Your friends appear in the sidebar on the left of your profile page. Click on the little edit icon, which brings you to your Friends List []. There you can do the f...

  • How do I upload photos or videos?

    The Upload pics link is in the same box you'd type a status update in. There are also direct links to the forum and to create classifieds and events. Upload pictures here [

  • What can I write in my status message?

    Your status message will appear next to your profile picture and lets others know how you're feeling or what you're up to. It could be anything from I loved my yoga practice today to I'm on vacation!....