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Your Profile

Getting to know your profile! Here we'll tell you all about your settings, contact details, images, interview, and other fun stuff!

  • How can I edit my profile?

    Updating your profile helps others get to know you better. You can change and edit various parts of your profile at any time by clicking on your profile photo and then on Settings.  Change your data...

  • How do I upload or change my profile pic?

    Uploading or changing profile pictures is quick and simple. Click on Upload Photos [] in the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner or Upload pics below t...

  • How do I change my username?

    You can change your username by clicking on Settings, then About me []. Next to your username, you'll see the Change option. Before requesting a name...

  • How can I delete my profile?

    We would love you to stay with us, but of course, you can delete your profile at any time. There's no notice period or any other requirement. This is what you need to do: * Hover over your profile ...

  • Can I see who visited my profile?

    You can see all members who visited your profile in the Profile Visitors [] list by clicking on Profile Visits in the left sidebar when you're logged onto t...

  • What's the interview for?

    The interview [] is there for us to get to know each other better and get to know yourself better. Who are you? Try answering this question again and...

  • How can I filter what I see in the Newsfeed?

    The Newsfeed is where you're able to see posts from the community team and other members and a great place to see what's going on.  If you want to filter what appears in the Newsfeed for you, click o...

  • Can I change my real name or email?

    Yes, you can! In your profile settings, you'll be able to change both your name and your email address when you need to.  You can change your email address at any time, just remember that the email y...

  • Can I change my gender?

    Yes, you can!  Perhaps you chose the wrong gender during the sign-up process or are transitioning. Go to 'Account' at the bottom right of your screen, and tap 'Edit Profile'. Changing your gender is...

  • How do I delete a status update?

    When you write a status update it shows up on your profile and in the Newsfeed. If you've changed your mind and want to delete a status update, go to your profile by tapping 'Account' in the bottom ri...